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Stewardship FAQ

Unitarian Universalist Church of Bloomington


How is UUCB funded?


Our UU congregation is supported by our members and friends. 89% of our budgeted income this year will come from pledges. The Sunday plate brings in about 4% and other fundraising (auction, bazaar, grocery certificates, …) and miscellaneous income (facilities use fees, interest, …) the remaining 7%.


Why do people support UUCB financially?


Our members and friends make a financial pledge as an investment in liberal religion and in the spirit of love, freedom, gratitude, and generosity that we wish to promote in ourselves, our children, our community, and our world.


What is our annual budget?


Our annual budget for fiscal year 2013-2014, which started July 1, 2013 and runs through June 30, 2014, is $587,900. The budget was constructed after the pledge drive in the spring of 2013 and voted on by members of the congregation in June 2013.


What does our budget support?


Our budget reflects our values and supports our mission of Seeking the Spirit, Building Community, Changing the World.


Our collective financial investment in ministers and staff, mortgage and facility upkeep, infrastructure and supplies, UUA dues, social justice and outreach, provides the foundation that acts as a multiplier of many volunteer hours.


Through financial and time commitments, we have our wonderful worship and music, religious education, social justice task forces, small groups, grassroots lobbying, child care, humanist forum, coffee hour, campus ministry, environmental practices and activism, connections to Unitarian Universalism, … reflecting the varied passions of our congregation and the needs of our world.


To support our mission, we rely on two full-time staff members (Executive Minister and Church Administrator), an eighty-percent-time Minister, two half-time religious educators (Minister of Religious Education and Director of Religious Education), a half-time Music Director, a half-time Membership Coordinator, and 15 other part-time staff who provide an amazing array of talent, skill, and dedication. Facility-wise, our building is in use an average of 96 hours per week.


How does our budget compare to that of other UU congregations?


As of last year, we were in the top 3% of UU congregations for attendance, the top 5% for membership, but our budget didn’t make the top 10%. Our budget was about 20% below that of comparable sized UU congregations.Last year we increased our pledges by 10%. With another 10% increase this year we will be on track to a budget that allows us to pay fairer and more sustainable compensation to our ministers and staff, and to offer an even stronger home base for the many activities that support our mission.


Who should make a financial pledge?


All who participate in activities based at UUCB are asked to share financially in supporting UUCB’s mission and make a pledge. Together we can accomplish what is not possible alone.


Why should I pledge when I put money in the Sunday plate or contribute to special projects?


Annual pledges allow us to plan for the future and budget responsibly to meet our commitments and fulfill our goals. UUCB belongs to each of us, and pledges—in conjunction with good stewardship—ensure that UUCB is here for us and others, now and in the future.


For those who are able, making additional contributions to the Sunday plate—of which 25% goes toward social justice in our community—and to projects of special interest is encouraged and appreciated. Pledges form the foundation for these other avenues of generosity.


How much should I pledge?


We place a high value on diversity in our congregation—diverse views, backgrounds, and experiences. Included in this diversity is a range of economic circumstances. Our Fair Share Giving Guide suggests pledge amounts based on a combination of income and the degree to which you value what UUCB offers you, our community, and our world.


What if I have questions?


Contact Carol Marks, Church Administrator,, 812-332-3695, ext. 200


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